Industries, jobs and technologies change. Nineteenth-Century Studies empowers you to focus broadly — develop a wide knowledge base — so you can see what’s coming, and be ready to lead the way. Below is a list of courses to get you started on your life’s story.

Core Courses

Fall 2018
“Legal Fictions”
William G. Thomas III (History) & Peter J. Capuano (English)                                                                                                                                                          
Spring 2019
Interdisciplinary Seminar in Nineteenth-Century Studies
Theme and instructors TBD


Graduate Catalog

Discipline-Specific Courses


802EAmerican Poetry                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
802LRomantic Poetry
805A19th Century British Novel
805MAmerican Novel I
832American Authors to 1900
86519th Century British Literature
902Seminar in Poetry
931Seminar in British Authors since 1800
932Seminar in American Authors to 1900
965Seminar in 19th Century Literature


802Sexuality in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century America                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
803U.S. Military History 1607-1917
824European Social and Cultural History Since 1815
834England in the Victorian Age
842Antebellum America 1800-1850
843American Urban and Social History I
844American Urban and Social History II
845The American Civil War and Reconstruction
846America in the Gilded Age
848History of Women and Gender in the American West
849Ideas in America to the Civil War
850Ideas in America Since the Civil War
851The American West to 1900
857U.S. Economic History I
865History of Plains Indians
885Africa Since 1800
889African American Origins to 1877
889History of United States Foreign Relations to 1909
933Readings and Problems in Recent European History
934Seminar in Recent European History
941Readings and Problems in American History
942Seminar in American History

Modern Languages

FREN 853French Literature: The Nineteenth Century                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
FREN 854French Literature: The Nineteenth Century
FREN 876French Poetry from the Romantic to the Contemporary
FREN 898From Balzac to Proust: The 19th Century French Novel in Translation
FREN 927Flaubert
GERM 848Romanticism
GERM 849Survey of Nineteenth Century German Literature (1820-1848)
GERM 850Survey of Nineteenth Century German Literature (1848-1900)
GERM 851Naturalism and Expressionism
GERM 859The Works of Goethe and Schiller
GERM 860Goethe's Faust
RUSS 841The Russian Novel
RUSS 842Russian Poetry the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
RUSS 854The Russian Intellectual Tradition (1700-present)
SPAN 853Survey of 19th Century Literature and Culture in Spain
SPAN 957Literary Movements: Realism Naturalism and Modernity in 19th Century Spain


888Music of the Romantic Period                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Art History

841Impressionism and Post-Impressionism                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
85119th Century American Art