Industries, jobs and technologies change. Nineteenth-Century Studies empowers you to focus broadly — develop a wide knowledge base — so you can see what’s coming, and be ready to lead the way. Below is a list of courses to get you started on your life’s story.
Core Courses
ENGL/HIST 919 Fall 2018 | “Legal Fictions” William G. Thomas III (History) & Peter J. Capuano (English) |
ENGL/HIST 918 Spring 2019 | Interdisciplinary Seminar in Nineteenth-Century Studies Theme and instructors TBD |
Discipline-Specific Courses
802E | American Poetry |
802L | Romantic Poetry |
805A | 19th Century British Novel |
805M | American Novel I |
832 | American Authors to 1900 |
865 | 19th Century British Literature |
902 | Seminar in Poetry |
931 | Seminar in British Authors since 1800 |
932 | Seminar in American Authors to 1900 |
965 | Seminar in 19th Century Literature |
802 | Sexuality in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century America |
803 | U.S. Military History 1607-1917 |
824 | European Social and Cultural History Since 1815 |
834 | England in the Victorian Age |
842 | Antebellum America 1800-1850 |
843 | American Urban and Social History I |
844 | American Urban and Social History II |
845 | The American Civil War and Reconstruction |
846 | America in the Gilded Age |
848 | History of Women and Gender in the American West |
849 | Ideas in America to the Civil War |
850 | Ideas in America Since the Civil War |
851 | The American West to 1900 |
857 | U.S. Economic History I |
865 | History of Plains Indians |
885 | Africa Since 1800 |
889 | African American Origins to 1877 |
889 | History of United States Foreign Relations to 1909 |
933 | Readings and Problems in Recent European History |
934 | Seminar in Recent European History |
941 | Readings and Problems in American History |
942 | Seminar in American History |
Modern Languages
FREN 853 | French Literature: The Nineteenth Century |
FREN 854 | French Literature: The Nineteenth Century |
FREN 876 | French Poetry from the Romantic to the Contemporary |
FREN 898 | From Balzac to Proust: The 19th Century French Novel in Translation |
FREN 927 | Flaubert |
GERM 848 | Romanticism |
GERM 849 | Survey of Nineteenth Century German Literature (1820-1848) |
GERM 850 | Survey of Nineteenth Century German Literature (1848-1900) |
GERM 851 | Naturalism and Expressionism |
GERM 859 | The Works of Goethe and Schiller |
GERM 860 | Goethe's Faust |
RUSS 841 | The Russian Novel |
RUSS 842 | Russian Poetry the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries |
RUSS 854 | The Russian Intellectual Tradition (1700-present) |
SPAN 853 | Survey of 19th Century Literature and Culture in Spain |
SPAN 957 | Literary Movements: Realism Naturalism and Modernity in 19th Century Spain |
888 | Music of the Romantic Period |
Art History
841 | Impressionism and Post-Impressionism |
851 | 19th Century American Art |